HELP! Palestinian in hungerstrike for 27 days is threatend of deportation with police escort on 09/04/2019! Update

Update 10 April 2019: Hicham was deported despite the presence of people at the airport to warn the passengers. In Madrid, since he refused to introduce an asylum request in Spain, he got an Order to leave the territory within 3 days..



Brussels to Madrid

Flight SN3721 is departing on Tuesday April 9 at 09:25

meeting at the airport to speak with the passangers on  07:30


HELP! Palestinian in hungerstrike for 27 days is threatend of deportation with police escort on 09/04/2019!

A true Palestinians hunt has been set up by Belgian authorities since the beginning of 2019. Dozens of Palestinians have been arrested and detained in closed centres since January.
Most of them had introduced an asylum request and were staying in open centres for refugees. The Office des Etrangers (OE), the Belgian Immigration Office, sent them an interview notice and once there, gave them a “26quater annexe” (decision against a residence permit with an order to leave the territory (OQT). Then the OE immediately arrested and detained them in closed centers in order to deport them. Many of the Palestiniane refuse this decision and started a hunger strike.

One of them is Hicham. The OE wants to send him back by force to Spain on Tuesday 9 April.

Hicham, Palestinian, arrived in Belgium seeking asylum, which means he had to travel through various European countries, including Spain where his finger prints were taken. Because of the Dublin regulation, Spain is supposedly reponsible for his asylum request, but Hicham does not want to return to Spain where he says that refugees’ reception is not good. He wants to stay in Belgium where he has ties.

With his Palestinian compatriots, HIcham started a hunger strike on 17 March 2019, since the hunger strike is almost the only means of expression in closed centres. But the closed centre is trying to silence him. They took his phone and put him in isolation, without any human contact, no visit is allowed. The OE has decided to organise a deportation with police escort this coming Tuesday 9 April 2019, on his 27th day of hungerstrike. Hicham is very weak.

Belgium is not obliged to apply the Dublin regulation and can decide to process the asylum request.

Let’s support Hicham and all those who are subject to this procedure.

We do not know yet the flight number in order to go to the airport and speak with passengers, explain Hicham’s situation et inform them that they can oppose this deportation on the flight. We will give you more information on the web as soon as we have more information.

In the meantime your can write and email to the people responsible for this decision:

Maggie Deblock

02 528 69 00

Monsieur Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers T02 793 80 31 – 02 79380 30 (FR), Fax
02 274 66 40


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