Hunger strikes in Vottem : 09/10/2014

For 6 days, Mohamad I, 24, of Pakistani origin, detained at the closed
centre in Vottem, has been on hunger and thirst strike. Today his health
is at stake, according to his pairs in the centre. He came to Belgium
because of his affiliation to an opposition party in Pakistan. Also, he
lost everything there following floods. One could say he is both a climate
and political refugee. He wants to build a new life here among us. His
fears regarding a deportation are many: he will be threatened because of
his political affiliation, and with no resources at all to survive. His
life would be threatened in case of deportation but it also is here seen
his bad health condition. The Belgian asylum policy remains very
restrictive; 75% of asylum seekers are dismissed although many run heavy
risks in case of deportation, as we could see with Aref, this young Afghan
who was shot dead by the Talibans upon his return to Afghanistan in
October 2013. Other people also are on hunger strike in Vottem, they are
claiming for an asylum and migration policy that respects Human Rights.

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