“If there were 1000 places available in the closed centres….”

Words by Freddy Roosemont, director of the Foreigners Office, to the members of the undocumented coordination during an interview.

« If there were 1000 places available in the closed centres, we would do our best to occupy them and for more people to be deported.”

Therefore, there is absolutely no political will to regularise, but rather an increase in the capacity of the closed centres. The communual authorities are in charge of picking up the undocumented at their home and to send them to closed centres in view of their deportation.
It is time to react!
Repression is increasing and it is far from being the end of it all! To what extent will we accept all this? Camps within and at the borders of Europe, deportations,and deadly borders, this right to life and death of decision-makers and businessmen, hiding behind a ridiculous populism… the hunt is ongoing and we will not be able to say that we did not know. Will we be able to say that we tried our very best to prevent it from happening?

Coordination Sans Papiers on 17/03/2016:

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