“I will never come here again”

Testimony 19/03/2017


On Tuesday 14th of March, I was arrested at Charleroi airport because of overstaying (90/180, not indicated on my vignette, and I was not aware of it). I was driven to the closed centre like a criminal. Shame on the Belgian authorities, shame on the Belgian people!
They retained me for 36 hours. I wanted to pay for my plane ticket to go back home the soonest possible, my flight was originally foreseen on Saturday 18th of March 2017. After talking to the social assistant, I asked him for my repatriation to any Moroccan city. It remains home to me and it doesn’t bother me at all to go there, no matter the region.

The mistreatment of your police, their way of speaking and auditioning really hurt me. To tell you the truth, they take people for criminals. It had my blood pressure raise until 15,5; 16,5 the second day, and 18 the third day!
One of your colleagues was present when they were checking my blood pressure. At the moment I am home and I still can’t accept those facts. At least I have a roof, my country is not at war.

The main issue are the asylum seekers who are suffering mentally and psychologically, and even physically. I discussed with them and I think that the Belgian state or the Foreigners Office is busy creating a kind of unlimited hatred; they might even be creating terrorists without being aware of it. People are not sleeping, they are not eating. Their main concern is to be released and to live a better life than the one they left behind.

To stop, I would say that personally, I will try never to come back again to Belgium. I forgot to say that there were elderly people also; notably a woman of 70 years old and another of 57 who was diabetic. There was also a young man of 17 and a boy of 8.

Thank you and good luck


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