Info meeting to join Getting the Voice Out on 25 september 2024

GVO is a Belgian collective (mainly based in Brussels) that fights against borders, against all forms of imprisonment, and for freedom of movement and settlement for all.

We are fighting against detention centres. Under Belgian law, the purpose of detention centres is to lock up illegal residents. People ‘placed at the disposal of the government’ are detained there, either because they are in an irregular situation (do not have the required documents or are not in a condition to enter or reside legally in Belgium), or because they are awaiting a decision from the Immigration Office following their asylum application. Like prisons, the centres lock up and isolate hundreds of people out of sight.

In practical terms, GVO’s field of action is vast, but it can be summed up in 3 main areas:

☎️ Maintaining telephone contact with people detained in closed detention centres in Belgium to show them our solidarity and support the actions they are carrying out from the inside.

🗣 Collecting and sharing testimonies from detainees and information about what is happening in these prisons, and documenting Belgian and European racist migration policies more widely.

✊ Develop various means of protest and awareness-raising on the issue of borders.

There’s a lot more to say, but the best thing would be for us to discuss it together.

Interested? It would be a pleasure to meet you on Wednesday 25 September 06.30 pm!

Adres : Boom café Rue Pletinckx 7, 1000 Bruxelles

No more borders and the world they create! 🔥

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