Killed by borders: 39+1 more : 24/10/2018

List of the known exiles who passed through Belgium and were killed by borders since July 2017



2017 :

-Omar, 18, Sudanese, died under a bus in Brussels on 23 July 2017

-Dejen, 16, Ethiopian, died in Aalter after falling from a truck on 4 November 2017

-M, Sudanese, found dead in the canal in Brussels on 17 November 2017


-Mohammed, 39, Ethiopian, died in Jabbeke chased by the police on 29 January 2018

-M, 22, Algerian, died in Zeebruges on 22 March 2018

-Mawda, 2, Kurdish, killed in Mons during a police chase on 16 May 2018

-Amalou Ourez, 20, Guinean, crushed by a bus in Berchem-Ste-Agathe (Brussels) on 19 June 2018

-X,19, Vietnamese, run over by a car in Jabbeke on 17 August 2018

-Imran Ullah, Afghan, run over by a car in Ramskapelle on the E40 on 9 September 2018

-Kebede, 25, Erythrean, killed on a parking in Wetteren on the E40 on 12 September 2018

-Gebre, 36, Erythrean, committed suicide in the Vottem closed centre on 9 October 2018


-Adam usman Kiyar, 20, Ethiopian, very well-known in Brussels, died in a truck in Calais on 8 March 2019

-Amaneal, born in 1986, Ethiopian, his body was found dead on the railway in Silly (Tournay) on 17 April 2019

-Mahammat Abdullah Moussa, 25, Chadian, most likely dead on 17 April 2019 hung under a bus at the North Station in Brussels and his torn body found at the arrival in FolkstoC

-Géri, 25, Erythrean, died after falling from a truck on the A29 near Rotterdam on 6 July 2019

– Nicknam Massoud fund in the Northsea in Zeebrugge on 25/08/2019, drowned at his crossing of the Channel to GB, Iraqi, 48 years….

– Nixon, suicide in the open centre in Lanaken on 23/10/2019, SriLankais, 34 years old

– 39 chineses, women and men found dead on 23/10/2019 in a truck in Essex /GB after a drive past Zeebrugge

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