Let’s prevent a second deportation attempt to Congo-Brazzaville


Call from the CRACPE in Vottem:

Mr B, from Congo Brazza has been retained in the closed centre of Vottem for several months. He will be subject to a second deportation attempt this Friday 22 March.
Mr had been condemned and imprisoned and then transferred to the closed centre in view of his deportation. The lawyer introduced all the possible appeals. He himself introduced a second asylum request from the centre.
Mr B is 33 years old and his family lives here (father, brothers and sisters), all his family bounds are here.

Let’s go to the airport to warn the passengers and the airline.
Vol : ET729 Friday 22 at 10.30 p.m. Ethipian airlines to Adis Abeba, and transfer to Brazzaville.

Be at the airport at 8.30 p.m. If you can be there please warn us.


fax, tel, mail TO

Ethiopian airlines : bruapt@ethiopianairlines.com
+ 32 476930274

Maggie Deblock


02 528 69 00

Monsieur Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers
Bur_Presse@dofi.fgov.be T02 793 80 31 – 02 79380 30 (FR), Fax
02 274 66 40

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