Let’s prevent one deportation: “Please madam, help me save my life”: expulsio annulée

13/04/2017 Emmanuel, a young Sierra Leonean, has already experienced several deportation attempts to China (through which he transited) and to Sierra Leone (his home country). They even brought him by force once to Sierra Leone – two days sleeping on the ground in the airport- and in China where he stayed more than 24 hours in the airport without drinking and eating. The last attempt was extremely violent (14 policemen) and he still suffers the consequences. Despite a complaint lodged against this violence, despite the visit by the federal ombudsman following this ill-treatment, despite a testimony by Obospol, the Foreigners Office want to try and deport him again under escort this Friday.
His story is here : http://regularisation.canalblog.com/archives/2017/03/23/35082975.html
and here: http://www.gettingthevoiceout.org/endless-deportations-and-torture-of-an-asylum-seeker/

Emmanuel is calling for help to prevent this deportation to Sierra Leone because his life would be in serious danger there.
“If I return there, they will find me and kill me”. “The villagers (who are part of the secret society of the ethny I belong to) want me dead”. “I am extremely worried madam, this tradition is destroying me”. “My mother, the only person I trust, is old. She is scared.” Please madam, help me save my life”.

Vol Brussels Airlines SN 241 to Monrovia/Liberia with a stopover in Freetown/Sierra Leone at 12.15 a.m on Friday 14/04/2017

Meeting at the Airport in Zaventem 14/04/2017 at 10 a.m.!

his flight SN 241 to freetown and Morovia 12h15 pm

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Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers
T02 793 80 31 (NL – EN) – 02 79380 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 66 40
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Jan Jambon
Vice Premier Ministre et Ministre del’Intérieur
tél: 02 504 85 13 Fax:02 504 85 00
Theo Francken
Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile etla Migration
Tél: 02 206 14 21–
Didier Reynders
Téléphone : 02 501 85 91



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