15 detainees, including several Syrians, started a hunger strike at the Caricole closed centre on 16/06/2022 to demand their release. This Saturday 18 June they phoned us; they have been on hunger strike for 3 days and ask for support. They demand their release and their freedom of movement.
Here the narrative ( in FR https://stuut.info/Centres-fermes-127bis-et-Caricole-un-samedi-apres-midi-11-juin-2022-396) of some of the activists present at the gathering in front of the Caricole and 127bis detention centres on 11 June 2022.
Following the action of 11/06, we received many calls from detainees crying out their rage, their difficulties and their incomprehension about this system of “prison”. They assert the illegality of their detention, the mental and physical torture they suffer. They demand their rights, their freedom, visits, competent lawyers to defend themselves. Some of them thank us for the support: “We didn’t know that there were also people to support us and demand our release.” “Why put asylum seekers in prison?”