Message from The prisonners in the detention centrum 127 bis 25/06

MERCI, DANK U, Thank you to everybody from the camp

Caravan 2014 of undocumented migrants and refugees
26 juin 2014
Start : Place du Béguinage Brussel 04.30 p.m 

People from all over Europe organise a Caravan For Freedom to protest against the repressive European migration regime.

They are camping during the week 22 June-28 June in the Parc Maximilien in Brussel.
during this week various actions are made and debating take place. Ther will also be big demonstration on 26 June
The claims are

– Freedom of movement and of residence for all
– Stop the Dublin trap and the obligatory residence in asylum centres such as “Lagers” throughout Europe
– Permanent documents without criteria (not depending on working contracts or individual state prosecution)
– Stop imprisonment and deportation of migrants
– Same working conditions for all
– Same political, social and cultural rights for all
– Stop the European imperialist policies: no more freetrade treaties and NATO wars
– Abolish Frontex, Eurosur and other anti-migration agencies and measures


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