On Thursday 4th of June, a group deportation by military flight had been announced to 20 Congolese detainees in the closed centres.
We heard from one of the deported who got to Kinshasa that they were 4 deported, 3 men and a woman, accompanied with 20 policemen, in a big military plane. They were handcuffed to be brought to the plane. They were not well received in Kinshasa, with long interrogations. The person who contactd us was finally released and found refuge with friends. We did not hear from the other 3.
According to the person who contacted us, 2 of them had let passes delivered by he embassy, two others had a safe conduct, the embassy having refused to deliver a let pass, that seem to be fake ones.
They were again told that those who could not be deported on the 4th would be on a Frontex flight on the 17th of June.
This testimony confirms another testimony you can listen to here: