New deportation attempt to Afghanistan this Tuesday 24th of September : update

 Update 23/09  5 p.m.

A second Afghan from the closed center of Merksplas will be deported on the same fly

Maggy De Block has declared to the media that 12 Afghans have been deported in 2011, 18 in 2012 and 21 in the first six months of 2013.

Belgium has no readmission agreements with Afghanistan, contrarily to other European countries. In concrete terms, this means that when the deported person is back  in Afghanistan, he will not be welcomed by Afghan authorities nor taken in charge by the Ministry for Refugees and Returned Persons. His presence on the Afghan territory will neither be legal nor declared. The young Afghan boy deported from Belgium will just be ‘dumped’ at the airport exit. He will therefore be untraceable and the Belgian authorities will never be able to say if he survived.

The Afghan Embassy is aware of none of these deportations. The same goes for the HCR. 

So the question is ‘are these deportations legal?’

However, Mrs De Block continues in her error:

A young Afghan will experience his second deportation attempt this Tuesday 24th of September. He arrived here when he was 16, in 2008. He left Afghanistan when he was 4 and lived in Iran until he was 15. After a long journey of six months he got to Belgium and requested asylum. He doesn’t know anybody in Kabul.

A petition circulates in Dutch, with more than 1,000 signatures:

He will be taken away from the closed centre of Bruges at 6.30 a.m. this 24th of September to be brought to the airport. He will leave for Amsterdam on flight KL1724 at 11.20 a.m. They will land in Amsterdam at 12.15 a.m and he will be deported on flight KL427 to Dubai at 2.30 p.m.

Let’s meet at the airport this Tuesday 24 September at 9.20 a.m. to speak to the passengers or in Amstderdam/Schiphol at 12h30 for the flight to Dubai.

Fax and protest mail to KLM
KLM belge
tel 070222466, 070225335,FAX 070222480KLM
Netherlands   0031(0)205459780, 0031(0)4747747

Monsieur  M. F. Roosemont,Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers
T 02 793 80 31 (NL – EN) – 02 793 80 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 66 40 ,

Monsieur Elio Di Rupo, Premier ministre
Fax022173328, 025126953)

Madame Joëlle Milquet, Vice-Première ministre et Ministre de l’Intérieur :
Fax: 022380129,025048500,025048580)

Madame Maggie De Block, Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile, à l’Immigration et à l’intégration sociale, adjointe à la Ministre de la Justice :
Téléphone : 02 542 80 11 Fax : 02 542 80 03

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