New mass deportation to Albania on 26th February 2015: Update

Update 02/24/2015: Many newcomers, all Albanian, in the detention center 127bis. We do not know exactly where they come from? And what we have come to know: The majority of people locked in the CRA in Calais and Lille are from Albanie: Frontex Joint deportation?


Update 23/02/2015 :  42 Albanians registered for the flight, but for the moment no Albanians in the 127bis but many free sites! There are some albanesen in other detention centers. They should be moved to the detention center in the coming days. One question remains: Frontex flight?
Be careful: yet possible arrests for this flight



Following the mass deportation of 38 Albanians on 17th December 2014,  the Frontex flight expelling 50 Albanians from Europe on 29th January 2015- among whom 8 from Belgium, and the mass flight expelling 8 Albanians from our country on 30th January 2015, we are being informed that a new mass deportation is planned on Thursday 26th of February 2015. Read here

Knowing that for several months there has been a huge exodus of Albanians from Kosovo to Europe,

Knowing that the economic situation in Albania and Kosovo is absolutely disastrous,

it seems very clear that these mass deportations only are window dressing, other candidates are on the road to join their friends or families in Europe and to look for a better life. 10 gone, 100 found back! 

Luckily enough, our dear Reynders went to Albania to explain them how to proceed!

Please warn your Albanian friends! 

It is to be noted that the 127bis closed centre in Steenokkerzeel has been emptied of one part of its residents one week ago during the week-end of the march Brussels-Antwerp and that many places still are ‘available’!

And as a reminder: here is the manual on collective flight, which is still timely!

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