Palestinians’ hunt and group deportation to Spain on 19 March 2019

15/03/2019: Since the end of January,  Palestinian asylum-seekers and residents in open centre have been arrested in the Foreigners office (during an appointment) and they are bein retained in a closed centre in view of their deportation.
The received the annex 26 quater attesting that they have to return to their Dublin country, where they gave their fingerprints or introduced an asylum request. For most of them, that country is Spain.

The Office arranged a group deportation to Spain on 19 March 2019 that concerns most of these Palestinans arrested end of January/beginning of February.

To my knowledge, it is the first time that a group flight is being organised to a Dublin country. Generally, these group deportations take place through military flights from the military airport in Haren. The deported are escorted by police officers (2 per deported).

An article not very recent but still topical on collective flights:

New series of arrestations at the Office are currently taking place, always of ‘Dublinised’ Palestinians. According to some information, the Office do not hesitate to go and fetch some of them in their open centre if they did not show up to their appointment.

Please warn your Palestinian friends!

No to « Dublinisation »
Freedom of movement and settlement for all !


Urgent information for Palestinan asylum-seekers in Dublin process

We heard that several dozens of Palestinians have been arrested since January 2019 at their appointment with the Foreigners Office because they were in the Dublin process.
A collective flight to Spain is planned for 19 March 2019 with those who were arrested in January or February, and that could be returned to Spain because of the Dublin process. They should urgently warn their lawyers.

For those who were arrested recently, the Foreigners Office should wait 6 weeks before getting the answer from Spain. They should not be deported on that collective flight. It is nevertheless important to also warn their lawyers!

For those who are still free and/or in open centres and who are under the Dublin regime, ask your lawyer or the HUB/North station before going to an appointment with the Foreigners Office.

Those who are not going to their appointment with the Office: be aware that they may send the police to arrest you in open centre or at home.

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