QantasDontDeport – Brussels 21/10/2018

On the 21th of October 2018, about twenty people staged a die-in in front of
the building of the Australian Embassy in Brussels.
This action targeted the airline Qantas that participates and benefts from the
expulsions of migrants in Australia.
This symbolic action is part of a day of global action as part of a campaign
targeting the company Qantas so that it ceases to participate in deportations.
Qantas says it promotes diversity and inclusion.
Thus, its CEO, Alan Joyce, has taken a stand against the Australian
government to say “Yes” to marriage for all and has said marriage equality is
about “the fundamental Australian value of justice”.
In a new campaign Qantas recently launched promoting the importance of
diversity and inclusion Qantas calls on Australian to “stand up for a fair go”.
Now it is our turn to ask Qantas to “stand up for a fair go” and to refuse to
participate in deportations of human beings.
Through its ongoing human rights abuses including the unbridled
confnement of adults and children in detention camps, Australia’s migration
policy is extremely violent and unjust.
These abuses of the Australian government are well known and condemned
worldwide, and by its action Qantas condones them and acquire a beneft
from them.
The collective QantasDontDeport-Brussels joins this day of global action to
afrm its opposition to such practices, as lucrative as they are for the airlines.
Campaigns targeting airlines involved in evictions have already been
successful. United, Frontier, Virgin Altantic, today refuse to participate in
The group also recalls that in Belgium, companies such as Brussels Airlines
or Ryanair beneft from the lucrative business of deportations.
Other actions are expected …


QantasDontDeport – Brussels

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