“Return is totally safe”, really??

Mr VS and his son, 20 years old, have been deported to their country of origin. The father was handed over to the Armenian authorities and put to jail, waiting for a trial he had fled. His son is waiting for a call to do his military service which will last two years and to which he had escaped when coming to Belgium.

However, everybody knew!

Mr VS and his son ran away from persecutions in their country and they came to Belgium where they have family members.
A search warrant for Mr VS has been issued by the Armenian authorities and transmitted to the Foreigners Office. The son has psychological problems and is suicidal.

They introduced an asylum request, then a regularisation request, but in vain.
They got detained in the closed centre of Merskplas in August 2012.
The father refused a first deportation attempt because he didn’t want to leave his son alone, seen his state.
Following a deportation threat on his son, Mr VS and his family hesitated for a long time: either the father asked to be deported together with his son, or he encouraged his son to resist the deportation and they both stayed rotting in the closed centre until another deportation.
Feeling desperate and with no other solution in sight, they opted for the deportation with the planned consequences.

This is only one story among all the other stories of people who try to live in dignity.
It seems that living in dignity is not allowed to people coming from abroad.


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  1. Ping : SILENCE - DEPORTATIONS IN PROGRESS!!!!!News november 2012 | Getting the Voice Out

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