Second deportation attempt this Tuesday 19/01/2016

 M has been living in Europe for more than 10 years, in Belgium for 8 years. He is Egyptian. He built his life here in Belgium. He got married here and was living his life here: house, work, car, etc. …..

Then the marriage failed. The Foreigners Office withdrew his ID because it is unacceptable that a foreigner fails in marriage! 

He was arrested in Antwerp at the beginning of December 2015, detained in Merksplas and transferred to Bruges because he tried to escape!

For the second time the Office will try to deport him on a plane to his ‘country of origin’. He is asking for our help to prevent this deportation!

Flight Alitalia to Rome…… and then Cairo

Flight AZ 0157  on 19/01/2015  7 a.m.

Let’s meet at 5 a.m (!) on 19/01 to speak to the passengers or 

Even better send LOADS of faxes/emails RIGHT NOW to show our disapproval in front of this deportation!

To the airline:    Alitalia 02 5511122  fax  02 551 11 49 e-mail to         

You can contact directly the Alitalia ticket office:

Phone: 02 5511150         Fax:02 5511143         e-mail:

And to the responsible for this deportation:

F.Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers T02793 80 31 (NL – EN) – 02 793 80 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 6640

Charles Michel, Premier Ministre, Tél: 02 501 02 11Fax:02 51269 52,

JanJambon, Vice Premier Ministre et Ministredel’Intérieur, Tél:02 504 8513,

TheoFrancken: Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile etlaMigration, Tél:02 206 1421–


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