Soldarity gathering for Kumar this Monday, December 17 th 10:30 a.m (1000 Brussel)

20/12/2012 Kumar was not released by the indictment chamber. For the Court, K should be kept imprisoned while waiting for his deportation. In spite of the non-existence of a passport or other documents proving his identity, Europe has made him an identity and a let pass would be ongoing or already expired! Nothing is clear and the Belgian office wants to deport him at all costs! K has appealed to the Supreme court but he is really scared that in spite of all this the Office manages to find a trick to get rid of him.

December 17 th 10:30 a.m in front of the Court of Justice Place Poelaert (1000 Brussel)

Kumar is currently detained in the 127 bis centre. It has been over three months now that the state has taken it out on Kumar, trying to keep him imprisoned and deport him to his country of origin, Nepal. Kumar is unwelcome for the Foreigners Office.

It is not the case for his relatives and support among whom the mayor of his town, Marcel Logist (Tienen) who is asking with all his hearth the release and regularisation of Kumar who presents an added value to the city and its inhabitants

Kumar has been living in Belgium for almost seven years, swindled bij the promises of regulation in 2009. The State refuse to grant him a residence permit and gave him the obligation to leave the territory before arresting him at his house giving as a pretext the verification of his adress. However, Kumar works here, his relatives and his live are here. He employs three persons in his restaurant in Tienen. His neighbours like him. He has done everything to be well « integrated ». So what do they really have against him to prevent him from living here ?

The State already try to deport him a first time but in vain : Nepal refused to grant him a free pass. Since then, his lawyer got from the Court of Leuven that thh Foreigners Office would release him.
But the State made an appeal to this decision, a good predator never lets his preys en peace.

This monday there will be an audianced in front of the Chamber of indictment in order to give a ruling on the release.

Come all to support Kumar and make some noise in solidarity with him and for the freedom of movement and settlement for all

Meeting at 10:30 a.m. , 17 decembre On rthe stairs of the Court of justice, Place Poelaert in Brussels.

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