Solidarity with the Stansted defendants from Belgium !?

[EN] In May 2018, we were hundreds of people gathered in front of two detention centres near Brussels airport during the Steenrock festival. We all raised our hands in solidarity with the Stansted defendants. It’s time to show our solidarity again ! More info : End Deportations &
[FR] Lors du dernier Steenrock en Mai 2018, nous Ă©tions rassemblĂ©.es en face des centres fermĂ©s 127 bis et Caricole. Nous avons notamment entendu les tĂ©moignages d’activistes anglais et levĂ© nos mains en solidaritĂ© avec les « accusĂ©.es de Stansted ». Rappel des faits :
En 2017, 15 personnes ont bloquĂ© un vol charter pendant dix heures pour empĂȘcher l’expulsion de personnes migrantes Ă  l’aĂ©roport de Stansted. Cette action directe non violente est considĂ©rĂ©e comme un acte terroriste et ils risquent des peines pouvant aller jusqu’à l’emprisonnement Ă  vie. Le procĂšs aura lieu le 1er octobre Ă  Chelmsford Crown Court.

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Avec End Deportations Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants Queers Support the Refugees BXL Je Ne La Boucle Pas



Subject: Trial of 15 activists at Chelmsford Crown Court

To the attention of Alison Rose, Ambassador

Dear Ambassador,

In March 2016 at Stansted airport, 15 people grounded a deportation charter flight for ten hours to prevent it taking off.
On the 1st of October 2018, they will be standing trial, charged with a terrorism-related offence that could result in life imprisonment.

I hereby would like to remind the fact that these people acted legitimately by humanity and compassion and shouldn’t be charged for this, especially with such a disproportionate and mismatching charge.
I’m therefore asking you to take action and question the United Kingdom’s competent authorities in order to express your support for the defendants, and demand the charges to be dropped.
I also demand to put an end to deportation charter flights.

Thanking for your attention to my request I nourish the hope you will give it an appropriate reaction as soon as possible.
Best regards

âžĄïžEmail :
âžĄïžPhone : +
âžĄïžFacebook : UK in Belgium – British Embassy Brussels
âžĄïžTwitter : alisonrosefco
âžĄïžContact form :

âžĄïžAdress : Ambassade du Royaume-Uni Ă  Bruxelles – Avenue d’Auderghem 10, 1040 Brussels

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