Ten liberation in the closed centre 127bis

Update 26 septembre 2015

Following the repression of the “trouble makers” of last week,the calm in the 127bis detention centre is supposed to be back and this for good reasons:
some detainees have been transferred toother centres and put in isolation. At least two are still inisolation cells at Bruges and Merksplas.
So-called “Dublin” deportation are being organised, quickly and neatly done. To be noted at this point that at least one detainee was supposed to return to Hungary….!!
Others are quickly deported to their “countries of origin” such as Tunisia or Morocco…http://www.gettingthevoiceout.org/the-office-of-shame-never-so-aptly-beared-its-name/

AND !!!! ten Iraqis of 127bis have been released and sent to open centres for analysis of their asylum application. This clearly shows that they were NOT asking a “voluntary” return and were NOT Dublin cases as was lied by T. Francken via the brave media that rarely come investigate themselves!

Detainees of the 127bis tell us:

“Thanks to the demonstrators who came  3 times to support us, thank you to all detainees who took part in our movement, thank you to the LDH (human right league) and the MRAX (Movement against racism) that made pression through their visit in the centre on Wednesday, thank you to our Tunisian friend who climbed on the roof and thus alerted the media who are just running for sensationalisms. Ten friends have been released, it is a victory, the fight goes on! . FREEDOM! “

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