Testimony Detention centre Calais (engl)

Short report from the deportation centre, from someone inside.

It is very bad in the deportation centre. the deportation centre is more
bad than the prison. if you go to the prison you know why. there is a
reason and the judge tells you what you did wrong.
but people come to the deportation centre for nothing. they take you in
the early morning time, arrest you and bring you to the deportation
after a couple of days you see the judge who tells if you really get
deported or not. most of the time you get deported.
when you have papers they deport you quickly, the same day or one day
later. if you dont have papers it can take up to fifteen days. they say
they have to ask italy if they want you or not.
there is two times food in the day. at six o clock in the morning and at
twelve o clock. one baguette for four people.
its not clean inside and there are three, sometimes four people in one room.
they hit the people. they did this to me but also to other people, that is
normal. if you do something wrong, they hit you. but they dont tell you
what you do wrong.
they are not friendly, but very racist. they never say nice things and
they never listen to you.
but inschallah they deport me quickly.

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