Testimony, January 2021 : “It is very harsh for me and the kids too”

He would rather remain anonymous, and has been in a detention center for 7 months. His daughter could but once visit him. He was keen to testify about his pain of being separated from his family and about the sanitary measures which complicated even more the situation, that he doesn’t wish for anyone.

Excerpts from the testimony:
“A relationship with distance like that, it doesn’t work, you know.
It is very harsh for me and the kids too. And when I saw my daughter… my daughter, she looked at me as if I was a stranger, you know. She hid behind her mother and that was very hard for me too.”

“They say that now, even if we are separated, we are in Africa where (…) they say there are technologies. I do not agree because technology cannot give love to a child. You can’t touch through a smartphone. You can’t touch your child. There is no contact, no physical contact. I doesn’t wish that on anybody, you know. [I wouldn’t wish that on anyone (proposition de yozhik)]”

Testimony here 5 FR)

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