The gates of the Foreign Office, virtual border of Belgium… : filtering, registration, detention and evictions.

They are thousands those last months to present themselves at the Foreign Office in Brussels, hoping to obtain asylum in our country. They are visible, the media talk daily about them.And as in the entire Schengen area, the filtering is in full swing, filtering based on the decisions and declarations of the mighty man, the State Secretary Theo Francken.

Novelty of this week: Francken address to Afghans deterrence letter about the appliance for asylum in Belgium.This Theo chose Afghans as targets, because they are actually in majority at their door and now he wants to unclog the reception! 2 months ago were the Iraqis. And after…?.

Currently there are dozens of Afghans locked in closed centers, some awaiting their interview at the ?(CGRA), others waiting for their expulsions under Dublin for some countries whose the Asylum processing requests raise questions.Press CRER / MRAX:

This is not a typically Belgian policy, but a policy of widespread exclusion on all borders of the Schengen area, the strategies of each country being different, always submitted by great formal statement of policy strategies. For example now on the border of Macedonia only the Iraqis, Afghans and Syrians can pass! Other (many Iranians) are parked along the borders and begin protest actions (of the hunger strike …..)

The states feel obliged to “protect” an “invasion”, using repression, imprisonment and deportation. Europe does not want more refugees.

Borders after borders, nationalities after nationalities, the “flow” is interrupted with repression. The diabolical Europe shuts its doors.

That’s what borders and states are for: register, repress and evict “undesirable”

Here is the spitted speach to the Afghan people, after they endure thousand miles on the road:
« Le Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile et la Migration, Theo Francken (N-VA), a rédigé une lettre pour dissuader les ressortissants afghans de demander l’asile en Belgique, indique jeudi le quotidien Le Soir. Début octobre, M.Francken avait adressé un courrier similaire aux Irakiens. »
And he adds on the facebook page of the ministry to not take any asylum decision for non- accompanied minors anymore. There is also the threat of a forced return!”The Belgian government decided to stop taking asylum decisions for Afghans claiming to be non- accompanied minors, unless certain conditions are fulfilled.”
« A rejection of your asylum claim will result in an order to leave the country within 30 days. If you don’t leave voluntarily, then Belgium will return you by force to Kabul. »
On the flip side, here is what is told for the europeans travelers:
« Durant l’été 2015,la guerre a de nouveau éclaté pour de bon en Afghanistan. Des dizaines d’attentats-suicide ont eu lieu à Kaboul, souvent dirigés vers des convois à destination de l’aéroport, des bâtiments officiels, des hôtels et autres cibles occidentales. Outre la prise temporaire de la ville de Kunduz par les Talibans fin septembre 2015, on a relevé des attaques et des attentats dans les provinces de Faryab, Sar-e-Pal, Badakhshan, Baghlan et Jowzjan dans le nord del’Afghanistan, ainsi que dans les provinces de Nangarhar (où l’Etat Islamique est également présent) et Kunar dans l’est,dans la province de Wardak dans le centre, dans la province de Ghazni(sud-est) et la province de Helmand (sud). Cette liste n’est pas exhaustive. Seul l’ouest du pays semble quelque peu épargné. »
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