The humanitarian emergency at the Parc Maximilien. And after? 04/09/2015

The emergency has been declared; the so-called ‘humanitarian’ emergency. However, the concept of ’emergency’ implies that it can only be answered with short term solutions, hence preventing any longer term solutions and even ‘forgetting’ about the political origins of these emergencies…

Nevertheless, more than half of the refugees who are now camping in the Parc Marximilien, while waiting for the authorisation to submit their asylum request to the Foreigners Office, will get a negative answer from the CGRA.

Several nationalities are currently in the CGRA’s top 10 (notably the Syrians), but others run the risk of being sent back to their country (50% of the Iraqis for example). They will be deported or they will have to live in custody, become ‘undocumented’ carrying an order to leave the territory in their pocket. On September 4th 2015, we’ve learnt that a few Iraqis had recently been brought to a closed centre!
An asylum seeker will be accepted only if he runs a ‘real’ danger once back in his native country and also under the condition that he did not go through another Schengen country (Dublin3) where he will be sent back to without further delay!

Therefore, many of these asyluum seekers in the parc Maximilien are more than likely to live new nightmares in the near future: deportations, custody, etc. because of more restrictive norms dictated by administrations (UNHCR, CGRA, Foreigners Office, etc.).

European migration policies firstly prevent the arrival of these migrants, blocking them at the borders, and then, those who manage to pass through are being ‘filtered’ and divided between the ‘good’, the ‘real’ and the ‘bad’, ‘fake’ refugees. Not to mention the refugees who will be categorised as ‘economic’ refugees (question: does economy have absolutely nothing to do with politics?), or those who come from a ‘safe’ country according to the CGRA and whose asylum request will be refused within 15 days.

Besides the current urgent citizens’ assistance, many other actions are and will be necessary in order to support these people who are excluded from our migration policies and who can not/do not want to go back to their home countries!

Many other actions and initiatives are necessary to eradicate this system (that is by the way not only used on migrants)of exclusion and borders that are prevailing in our current societies.

Many scientists, anthropologists, sociologists etc assert that the opening of borders is beneficial for all.

Our fight against these policies, the fights of the excluded, the refugees, the undocumented etc. is complementary with humanitarian assitance. If we do not support these fights, we may be doing humanitarian aid for centuries to come and… in an emergency!

For a world of migration

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