01/12 M is not deported. He is now in isolation in closed centrum 127bis
Mr M, being held in the 127bis detention centre will be subjected to his third deportation attempt this Friday 30/11/2012.
He is Libyan and has requested asylum with a comrade who is currently being held in the Bruges detention centre. He fled a jail at the end of 2011. He had spent 6 months in that jail and had been tortured . Traces of the torture are visible all over his body and have been noted by an association which also had a medical certificate written up : ” the scars are impressive and testify to the trauma and the violence that must have caused great pain”.
Neither the CGRA nor the CCE nor the European court believe him.
The Office of Shame will attempt to deport him for the third time to Morocco on the 30/11. Mr M is quite scared of how he will be received by the Moroccan authorities and is asking for our help to prevent this deportation.
Come to the Airport this Friday 30/11 at 2:40 p.m to speak to the passengers.
The airline in charge of this flight is Royal Air Maroc – Flight 883 to Casablanca at 4:40pm. It is also operated by SN Brussels, Flight 4055 to Casablanca at 4:40pm
This info is important in order to locate the passengers.
Please send faxes, emails and call to protest against this deportation
Royal Air Maroc vol AT 833
134 bd Jacqmain, 1000 bruxelles
TEL : 027215050
FAX : 027256292
Callcenter 022193030