Third deportation attempt 28/07/2015: deported

Update: The son was deported. He is now in Belgrade. They will try to deport the parents for the third time this Friday 31st of July 2015. ‘We will show no resistance; it is impossible to resist in front of these escorts. We had no luck. We are leaving.’


The family N, father, mother and 25 years old son have been in Belgium since 2009. They were arrested on April 14th 2015 and have since then been detained in the Caricole closed centre.

They are Serbian, of the Albanian minority. They introduced an asylum request, a regularisation request and a 9ter regularisation request for the mother who is psychiccally and physically very ill.

Their lawyer made an appeal against the orders to leave the territory, against detentions and against deportation attempts.
On May 8th, the Court of appeal of Brussels even set a precedent, ‘forbidding the Belgian State to take them away from the territory against their will before the Council Chamber and/or the Indictment division had taken a decision on the current appeals.”

The lawyer denounces a diabolical administrative and judicial carousel the family is submitted to.

This Tuesday July 28th, the Office will try to deport the son alone, under escort, despite the fact that the file always was dealt with for the whole family together. The son doesn’t want to leave his parents in the closed centre and is asking for our help to prevent his deportation.

It is to be noted that an appeal procedure towards the court of cassation is still foreseen on August 19th 2015 but the court informed that if the son is deported, the case will be null and void!

Flight JU301 Air Serrbia to Belgrade at 10.25 a.m.

Let’s meet at the airport this Tuesday 8.25 a.m to warn the  passengers of the likely presence of the young man on the plane  wih his escort at the rear of the plane.

Send email, fax or phone:

Air Serbia

FAX 02 514 5019

– Monsieur M. F. Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers :
 T 02 793 80 31 (NL – EN) – 02 793 80 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 66 40 ,
PPrime Minister Charles Michel
Tél: 02 501 02 11 Fax: 02 512 69 52 e-mail:
Monsieur Jan Jambon Vice Premier Ministre et Ministre de l’Intérieur Tél: 02 504 85 13
Mr Theo Francken
Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile et la Migration, chargé de la Simplification administrative, adjoint
au Ministre de la Sécurité et de l’Intérieur.
Tél: 02 206 14 21 – ,

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