24/02 Strangely enough (!), following our appeal and the reaction of lawyers and organisations, the three kids who had been detained in the closed centre of Bruges for a week have been recognized as minors by the authorities and taken to an open centre for minors in Steenokkerzeel! Detainees in Bruges are extremely isolated, there are no visits by NGOs and the Office des Étrangers (Immigration service) has free rein to do what it wants. Communicating with the detainees is the only way to know what is happening in the centre. Help us top up their mobile phones: http://www.gettingthevoiceout.org/contact-i-and-i/
23/02: We just got the news that three young Afghans are detained in a closed center in Bruges since 9 days. This prison is, according to several witnesses, is dirty and grim, and repression is tough there. The detainees sleep in a common room. The residents who called us are scared stiff and ask us not to mention their phone number and they dare nor telling us their name. Despite of all the threats upon them, the detainees called us to let us know that 3 young Afghans are amongst them, thinking this cannot be tolerated. The youngest of the party could be 13 year old.
A lawyer is going there to meet them and the Deputy in charge of the Children Rights, dutch section, has been alerted.
These kids must not be detained any longer.
Please email, fax and call the people responsible for the dentention and the Director of the closed center in Bruges :
Centre for Illégaux in Bruges (CIB) capacity : 112 – about 750 people a year)
Zandstraat 150, B-8200 Bruges
Tél. +3250451040
Fax. +32 50315956
Director of Office des Étrangers
Bur_Presse@dofi.fgov.be / T0279380 31 (NL – EN) – 02 79380 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 66 40
Charles Michel
Prime Minister
Tel: 02 501 02 11 Fax:0251269 52 / e-mail:charles.michel@premier.fed.be
Jan Jambon
Vice Prime Minister and Interior Minister
tel:02 504 85 13 Fax:02 504 8500 / email:kabinet.jambon@ibz.fgov.be
Theo Francken
Secretary of State in charge of Asylum & Migration
Tel: 02 2061421– / theo.francken@n-va.be / kab.francken@ibz.fgov.be
Didier Reynders
Tel : 02 501 8591 Fax: 02 513 25 97 / E-mailcontact.reynders@diplobel.fed.be