Trial of 15 activists in GB: Stop deportation flight

Last year, 15 people grounded a deportation charter flight for ten
hours to prevent it taking off. On MONDAY 19TH March 2018, they are
standing trial, charged with a terrorism-related offence that could
result in life imprisonment !
Secret deportation flights take thousands of people from our
communities every year. Parents, friends and neighbours are targeted
on the basis of their perceived nationality and snatched to fill a
flight that the Home Office has chartered. Many critics have argued
that like Trump’s ‘muslim ban,’ these deportations are unjust
and racist. Violence and abuse from security contractors have been
documented on these flights. Most people would be horrified if they
were aware of the nature of this process.
The Stansted action was the first time a deportation flight has been
grounded in the UK by people taking action against the immigration
system. People who would have been forced onto the flight were able to
stay in the UK because of the action, as it gave them time to have
their applications heard. People across the UK are standing together
to stop the Home Office breaking up families and tearing communities

Proposition of lettre to send to Ambassador in Brussels

Subject : Trial of 15 activists

To the attention of Alison Rose, Ambassador

Dear Honorable Ambassador,

In March 2017, at Stansted airport, 15 people grounded a deportation charter flight for ten hours to prevent it taking off.
Next Monday, 19th March 2018, they are standing trial, charged with a terrorism-related offence that could result in life imprisonment.

I hereby would like to remind the fact that these people acted legitimately by humanity and compassion and shouldn’t be charged for this, especially with such a disproportionate and mismatching charge.
I’m therefore asking you to take action and question the United Kingdom’s competent authorities in order to express your support of the defendants, and demand the charges to be dropped.
I also demand to put an end to deportation charter flights.

Thanking for your attention to my request I nourish the hope you will give it an appropriate reaction as soon as possible.
Best regards
Ambassade du Royaume-Uni à Bruxelles, Belgique
Avenue d’Auderghem 10
1040 Brussels


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