Twee uitzettingspogingen op 08/07/2015

Two  Congolese men will undergo  new eviction attempts. For one it will be the first attempt after he have receive 5 times a deportation ticket who were canceled, for the other the second attempt!
Since the organisation of 2 collective flights to the Democratic Republic of Congo on 17/06 and 04/06, many Congolese who have “missed the flight” have been deported by commercial flights in recent weeks, their appeals to prevent their evictions have always received negative answers from the CEC, despite common sense evidence that, in the context of their political activism,arrests by the Congolese authorities on their arrival in Kinshasa will be unavoidable.
For some of those who arrived in Kinshasa with previous collective flights we are still without any news.They are probably still in the hands of the secret services! The two people that the Office of shame will try to deport on the same flight this Wednesday the 08-07-2015 urge us to assist them in order to prevent their deportation!

Flight Kinshasa Wednesday, 08 July 10:40 SN 357
Meeting at the airport this Wednesday at 8:40 to inform passengers of the presence of deported persons on their flight

Let us be efficient !
Also to express your disgust to those in charge, call, send emails, faxes and letters of protest to:
Brussels Airlines (ask your message to be transmitted to the the plane captain)

Fax= 027233599 / 02/7238496 / 027534931

Tél 078 188889 / 027232345 /027232362

F. Roosemont Directeur de l’Office desEtrangers

T02 793 80 31 (NL – EN) – 02 793 80 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 6640

Charles Michel
Premier Ministre

Tél: 02 501 02 11 Fax:02 512 69 52


Vice Premier Ministre et Ministre de l’Intérieur

Tél:02 504 85 13



Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile et la Migration

Tél:02 206 14 21 –
NO to expulsions! FREEDOM for all !

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