Two deportation attempts on the same flight 23/07/2013 to Sri Lanka: Deported! Shame!

They are being retained in the Caricole. They came from Sri Lanka to seek asylum. They are Tamil, an ethnic minority being discriminated against by the Sinhalese majority.

They were not able to explain their situation correctly during their  interview in CGRA because their interpreter did not speak their language. The Office will try to deport them together for the second time via Beyrouth this Tuesday 23 July at 11 a.m.

They really risk their lives in Sri Lanka and ask for our help to prevent this deportation.

Meeting 9 a.m Airport Brussels to speak with the passengers of the flight

Protestfax, tel to


Avenue Louise 271 1, 1050 Bruxelles

TEL : 02 649 50 05

FAX : 026405075

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