URGENT APPEAL 20/03/2015 United Kingdom

International solidarity with the detainees on hunger strike in the United Kingdom’s detention centres 
Currently, hundreds of persons are on hunger strike in more than half of the UK’s detention centres. It is the biggest insurrection against the racist detention system in the UK since the last decade.
The detainees call for FREEDOM AND JUSTICE.
Demonstrations of solidarity happen daily around these centres.
To put international pressure on the British government, we need you to show your solidarity: demonstrate in front of British embassies, high commissions and consulates in your countries.
Undertake actions EVERYWHERE!

Links https://network23.org/antiraids/2015/03/12/ongoing-resistance-at-harmondsworth-and-colnbrook-detention-centres/https://detainedvoices.wordpress.com/ – etStandoff Films https://www.facebook.com/standoffilms).

Messages of support/pictures can be sent to detainedvoices@riseup.net

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