Urgent deportation!: Deported

Update 31st August 2017
Some people were at the airport but it was very difficult to find passengers willing to listen to the problematic. Fefe arrived in Kinshasa in a very bad state. Friends and family members were waiting for her. She was brought to the hospital where she is on drip. The Congolese community here and there remains attentive to her situation and her family’s. It often happens that opponents are being chased or killed long after their deportation.
A lot of Congolese are currently being retained in closed centres, sometimes for several months, notably opponents to Kabila’s regime. Some explain that Kabila, in collaboration with Belgium and undoubtedly with other European countries, make everything possible to intimidate and gag the DRC Diaspora before the elections that are foreseen to take place at the end of the year in DRC.


30th August 2017
Mrs Fefe, a famous opposition journalist in DRC, retained in Bruges for more than 5 months and on hunger strike for 20 days, was “urgently” brought to the airport for her third deportation attempt.
Former deportation here: http://www.gettingthevoiceout.org/le-gouvernement-belge-va-livrer-une-militante-congolaise-aux-autorites-rdc/
She will most likely be put on the Royal Air Maroc flight of 5.4 p0.m. this 30th of August 2017, which will have a stop over in Casablanca and reach Kinshasa this 31st of August at 3 a.m!
Fefe is in a terrible physical state after her hunger strike of 20 days.
Let’s meet at Zaventem airport at 3.40 p.m to speak with the passengers of Air Maroc flight

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