Warning and news 12/03/2015

Warning : Francken’s targets for the coming weeks will be North-Africans, mainly Moroccans.
Mr Francken, alias the anti migration Minister, will soon visit his counterparts in Morocco. He will keep his promises and prepare the deportation of our Moroccans with a lot of media attention!

After the ‘criminals’, the Albanians and the Kosovars, it is now the turn of Moroccans.  According to Eurostat, there were 2,970  Moroccans residing illegally in Belgium in 2013.
His strategy consists in chosing a specific population, imprison them, go on a little journey to their country of origin in order to meet his counterparts, announce a deportation charter flight wih much fanfare, insisting on the fact that most of them are criminals! To go faster and get more he sent a letter to Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons Mr Dirk Van Den Bulckof in which he asks to expand the list of “safe” countries. The files of asylum seekers from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Senegal, Cameroon and Tunisia would therefore now be processed within 15 days.

But if his wish is to empty our country of all these foreigners, it is in vain! He will need dozens or even hundreds of charter flights to do that, since other ‘foreigners’ come and will keep coming!

All this noise would be part of a strategy to gain popularity with his electorate and assert the crude radicalism by the NVA. This is an intolerable way to stir up hatred in designating these foreigners! It is manipulation of public opinion.

It seems, according to rumours among the instances, that Mr Francken’s unilateral decisions are not too well appreciated. But no one speaks!

The fight goes on on the street and in the closed centres!

Other news

The arrests of Moroccans seem to happen mainly on the street, sometimes by police in plaincothes, sometimes by the federal police.

Caricole :
A lot of whereabouts, a lot of arrests at the airport, sometimes extremely aberrant.
A few examples:
-an 84 years old woman,
-a woman more than 8 months pregnant,
-a couple visiting their parents who have been living in Belgium for 30 years who got rejected and repatriated because they didn’t have any hotel booking!

Some have been there for months and one is wondering why!?

-A man in transit at the airport was arrested with a Spnaish residence permit in order and he has now been detained for one month, without knowing what they are preparing for him.

-A woman almost 6 months pregnant has been detained for 4 months. She already had to go through 2 deportation attempts and introduced another asylum request since the CCE rejected the negative decision by the CGRA on her previous asylum request.

-A Cameroonian man who has been living in Belgium for 5 years was deported with violence to Spain, being placed in the so-called ‘Dublin’ category. When in Spain, he got a document certifying that he is not ‘Dublin’ and that Spain may not accept his asylum request! He must leave the Spanish territory!

127bis : 
A lot of people, mainly North-Africans.

A man was released after 5 months at the 127 bis. The Court of Appeal asked for his release because of a let pass that would be fake, cheated by the Foreigners Office! For once, the Office did not appeal the release decision, which is strange! This is what we call forgery and use of forged documents!

About the mysteries of migration policies: 

A collective flight happened on 26th February, says Francken, with 8 Kosovars. Other information had reached us that dozens of Albanians had been brought to the 127bis and taken on a bus to the airport on the same day! Seen the lack of information on this second flight, it could have been a collective Frontex flight; Frontex that are usually really discreet and lack transparency.

During two weeks, two wings of the 127bis centre remained empty with no special reason, no works, no arrangements, nothing.

There are no women in the 127bis centre anymore. No one knows what’s behind this decision. They now are at the closed centres in Bruges and in Caricole.

And how is it that you lose track of a person until the day you learn that she was evicted?

A little Belgian story 

Mr Larbaoui, of French nationality and deported to Algeria after having spent 15 years in Belgian prisons and 5 months at the closed centre in Vottem went to the Belgian consulate in Algiers where the consul told him that “there is no trace of your presence in Belgium”. 

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