“We don’t want any Calais in Brussels”

Despite the  militarisation of the European borders and the construction of walls and barbed wire, thousands of migrants still want to reach Europe. Since 2015, the politicians have been speaking of “migrants crisis”, of “asylum crisis”, of the management of situations said to be uncontrollable and of constant urgency. However, far from undergoing this situation, it is the policies of the States themselves that constructed it from scratch, either through borders control, or through populations’ control. The rationales of monitoring, each time more restrictive and security-oriented, undermine the possibilities for legal entries, leading to situations of huge precariousness where migrants find themselves trapped. The Maximilien parc is an example of these spaces that multiply themselves everywhere in Europe.

In every European city, migrants try to settle, live and eventually get the sesame, i.e. documents!

Like in Calais, like in all the cities of Europe, the State has only one answer: repression, retention and deportation for reasons of public order and public health. These actions only have one goal: nurture the threatening speeches around migrations.

We do not accept that people have to sleep in parcs or in train stations.
We do not accept new raids in parcs and train stations.
We do not accept retentions in closed centres.
We do not accept this violence by the State.

We will continue fighting for the dignity of all migrants, undocumented, foreigners, asylum seekers, homeless!
We will continue welcoming them in dignity.
We will continue fighting against the repression strategies that only exacerbate the sufferings and distress.

We don’t want any Calais in Brussels.
We don’t want a Calais where the same methods used for years have been a complete failure.
We don’t want history to repeat itself.

Let’s unite beyond our peculiarities and our different ways of fighting in view of organising a strong resistance. Let’s demand that the budgets allocated to the restrictive and repressive migratory policies- and we are talking about billions of Euros- are invested in favour of real welcoming policies.

Brussels 2017 can not be like this!

First protest meeting this Friday 15 September 2017 at 5. p.m. in front of the Foreigners Office  Chaussée d’Anvers, 59 1000 Bruxelles

and on 14 September 6.30 p.m. in front of the town halls of Schaerbeek and Brussels city centre to show our determination to the mayors, responsible for the raids in the North Station and in the Maximilien parc.

« Let’s make of our commune a commune of hospitality »

First signatories:


SOS Migrants

PROGRESS Lawyers Network


Front d’actions des Migrants


Niemand is illegaal

VZW Toestand

Comité de voisin.e.s solidaires aux Sans Papiers – Quartier schaerbeekois

Plateforme citoyenne de soutien aux réfugiés


Clémentine Delahaut (collectif Plan B)

Groupe montois de soutien aux sans-papiers

Swen Gloaguen
pour BXI Bruxelles Initiative asbl

Migrations et Luttes Sociales

Acteurs des Temps Présents


CNE (Centrale Nationale des Employés)

CSC Bruxelles

Jeep Novak

Vincent Patigny

la petite Maison du Peuple

Terre d’Errance France

CISPM – Coalition Internationale des Sans-Papiers et Migrants

Soudan Action groop

Manuela de Tervarent

Anne Leloup:
Editions Esperluète

Béatrice Didier (pas d’assoc)

Aliette Griz

Marie Bach

Veronika Mabardi

Célestin de Meeûs

Dounia Depoorter

Patshiva Cie

Milady Renoir

Nicole Dontot

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