When will there be charter flights to North Africa? Agreements are underway


‘The whole wide world gathers in our closed centre: North Africans, sub-Saharans, Estern Europeans, Russians, Asians, Latin Americans, and even from the United States of America.’ They will be deported thanks to the collegial collaboration of consuls and ambassadors of their countries of origin, which will grant them the necessary let passes to be able to put them on a plane.

Among our retained friends, a few Algerians who hold retention records: until 8 months for some of them! The Algerian consul stands firm on his position and refuses to give let passes! ‘Since I knew that Algeria doesn’t deliver let passes, I thought I would stay here for a few days. It has been 7 months that I have been retained. How long will they still keep me? All this at your costs!’
On the contrary, the Moroccan consulate grants let passes without mercy, in spite of the absence of agreement between Belgium and Morocco. http://www.libe.ma/Une-histoire-belge-pas-drole-du-tout_a71332.html
Fortunately, everything will be sorted out soon: our Ministers Francken, Reynders and Jambon will pay a visit to their Moroccan counterparts on 29th of February 2016 to try and get the political, economic and collaboration agreements they have been trying to obtain with great difficulty for a decade.
‘Migration and security will be at the centre of the discussions’ reads the Moroccan newspaper. Let’s read between the lines: the re-entry agreements that will enable them to use charter flights to send back undocumented Moroccan people and asylum seekers who would have treaded the Moroccan kingdom before reaching Belgium.
‘Prime Minister Charles Michel, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Security and Internal Affairs Jan Jambon and the State Secretary for Asylum and Migration Théo Francken will go to Morocco from 29th February till 1st March. During their stay, the Ministers will meet their Moroccan counterparts. Migration and security will be at the core of the discussions. Field visits are also foreseen.’

The European States
Each State is trying hard to be the most performing in its exclusion policy. Hence, some European countries, including the star of the year, i.e Merkel, are well advanced to get a re-entry agreement with Morocco, a country that she will soon be proud to add on the list of safe countries!http://www.libe.ma/L-Europe-se-bunkerise-Le-Maroc-dit-oui-au-retour-de-ses-migrants-irreguliers-dans-le-cadre-d-accords-bilateraux_a71221.html
The same goes for Algeria in spite of the absence of convention ratified by Algeria on the issue and to the great displeasure of the Algerian Human Rights Defense’s national office (LADDH.
‘As a conclusion, the Algerian organisation (LADDH) warns against the threats on the future of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, because of this policy that favours the export of goods from the North to Algeria (assessed at 58,33 billion dollars in 2014) at the expense of man and the Algerian economy’, concludes the press release.

And Europe
The externalisation of borders and the granting of the watch dog role to neighbouring countries, watching European borders in exchange for economic promises and millions of euros taken from the European support grant is in full swing.
The whole European policy, whose priorities today are the protection of borders, the reduction of entries in external borders, the preservation of the Schengen area, the smugglers hunt, the re-entries, the support to EU neighbouring countries in order to better deport, is in the conclusions of the European Summit that took place on February 18-19.
NOT A SINGLE WORD on tragedies at sea nor life-saving activities.


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