Mr H is among the last persons who had climbed the crane with 8 other undocumented people on 17th of November 2015
Six of them were retained in a closed centre, two were deported and the others have been released.
H is the last of the crane people who has been in a closed centre since the 18th of November 2015.
H has been in Belgium for 10 years. He took part in several hunger strikes in 2009 and 2011. He got an orange card that was withdrawn from him in 2012. He has a fully equipped apartment in Molenbeek for which he still pays the rent. He got the visit of parliamentarians during the Steenrock festival on 7th May 2016. He showed them a document by a political authority congratulating him for a citizenship action he did.
He has been retained in a closed centre for more than 6 months and he already resisted 3 deportation attempts. He had to go to court on the 30th of May for a release request and a new deportation had been planned for him on the 1st of June. He started a hunger strike with his comrades to claim for their release 27 days ago.
Suddenly this morning (25th of May 2016), the guards of the 127bis closed centre took him out of his room, told him that he was going to be deported tomorrow and placed him into confinement. He started a thirst strike and asks us to prevent his deportation. His health state is extremely worrying.
This tactic by the Foreigners Office to deport by surprise in total illegality seems to be more and more frequent, even with vulnerable people. Last week, a Pakistani who had been on hunger strike for 37 days has been taken away by two policemen, supposedly to bring him to the hospital: he was driven to the airport and deported to Pakistan.
We don’t know the time of the flight, the centre did not inform him about that.
The coordination of the undocumented people has planned a gathering in front of the Foreigners Office this Thursday 26th of May in order to protest against all these deportations, time to be confirmed.
Shame on the Foreigners Office, Shame on the Belgian State!
Strong campaign of faxes, tel and email to the authorities in charge!
Protest aktie Fax,mail en tel naar:
Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers
T02 793 80 31 (NL – EN) – 02 79380 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 66 40
Charles Michel
Premier Ministre
Tél: 02 501 02 11 Fax: 02512 69 52
Jan Jambon
Vice Premier Ministre et Ministre del’Intérieur
tél: 02 504 85 13 Fax:02 504 85 00
Theo Francken
Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile etla Migration
Tél: 02 206 14 21–
Didier Reynders
Téléphone : 02 501 85 91