Update 27/12:
S. opposed his deportation. He was taken to the back of the plane handcuffed, with an important escort. When he entered the plane they told him that his latest asylum request was rejected. He refused to sign the paper that was presented to him, ignoring what was written on it. His head was held down between his knees so that he wouldn’t shout. He thought he was going to suffocate. Suddenly he managed to shout very loudly. A few Russian passengers who had been warned of his likely presence on the plane during their boarding at the airport and also a few hostesses could not stand the situation and asked that he would be taken out of the plane. He was brought back to the closed centre of Merksplas.
S. said it was awful, his whole body is hurting. It felt like at the psychiatric hospital in Armenia, with their straitjackets and other chemical straitjackets. He doesn’t want to go through all this anymore. “The World is Violence” he says.
Mr S. lived in Armenia until 2007.Since he was 25 years old, he was locked up six times in a psychiatric hospital in Armenia, each time under constraint and brought there by the police. According to what he told us, his confinement and treatment conditions were extremely difficult and traumatic. See the report of the CPT on Armenia here:
Mr S. fled the psychiatric hospitals of Armenia and reached Belgium in 2007. He introduced several asylum and regularisation requests.
In Belgium, Mr S. got papers and then a work permit that was very quickly withdrawn when he was awarded the ‘door opener’ of the undocumented in 2013: an Order to leave the territory.
Here is what an association that knows him well told us:
« We believe Mr S. is not a dangerous person. On the contrary, he would create positive social links and would rather act as an advocate of the weakest, of the environment and of nature (for e.g. he was cleaning the haulage routes in Charleroi in a covert manner). He has a keen sense (sometimes out of sync) of justice and injustice. When S. can be helpful and has stable social relationships, and his psychiatric behaviour can tremendously improve.
During the European raid campaign against illegal immigrants, S. was arrested in Charleroi and transfered to the closed centre of Bruges on October 15th and then to Merksplas.
He was brought a first time to Zaventem for a repatriation and following his refusal he was brought back to the Centre. He then introduced an appeal against the Order to leave the territory and was questioned by the Foreigners Office. He was taken for a second time to Zaventem despite the appeal. He had to be brought back to the Centre when someone discovered that the appeal procedure did not allow any repatriation. A third repatriation attempt to Armenia (Yerevan) via Moscow is foreseen for this Friday December 26th. Depature from Zaventem at 12.30 a.m. Mr S. does not want to go back to Armenia where he fears he will again be placed in the hands of torture psychiatrists. He is begging for our help to prevent this deportation.
Let’s meet at the airport this Friday December 26th at 10.30 a.m to warn the passengers of the likely presence of Mr S. with his escort at the back of the plane.
Flight SU2169 to Moscow at 12.30 a.m.
Fax and emails campaign to the persons in charge of this deportation:
Vertegenwoordiging van de «Aeroflot»
Alexandre Karataev
Adres: Koloniënstraat 58, 1000 Brussel
Tel.: +32 (0) 2 513-65-38 , 2 513-60-66
Aéroflot Moscou tel +7 (495) 258 4089
+7 (499) 500 6760
Mail : corporate@aeroflot.ru et callcenter@aeroflot.ru
And to our Ministers:
– Monsieur M. F. Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers : Bur_Presse@dofi.fgov.be
T 02 793 80 31 (NL – EN) – 02 793 80 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 66 40 ,
Premier ministre Charles Michel
Tél: 02 501 02 11 Fax: 02 512 69 52 e-mail: info@premier.fed.be
Monsieur Jan Jambon Vice Premier Ministre et Ministre de l’Intérieur Tél: 02 504 85 13
email: secretariaat.kabinet@ibz.fgov.be
and to:
Monsieur Theo Francken
Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile et
la Migration, chargé de la Simplification administrative, adjoint
au Ministre de la Sécurité et de l’Intérieur.
Tél: 02 206 14 21 –
Ping : FR: Fourth deportation attempt on 13/01/2015 | Getting the Voice Out