She arrived on 25/06/2021 from Cotonou hoping to apply for asylum.She was arrested by the aeronautical police at Zaventem airport, considering her application suspicious.She was placed in a closed centre in Holsbeek, then in Bruges.An employee at the CGRA service did not hear or believe the reasons for her flight and rejected her asylum application.She has been locked up for almost 9 months in our “closed centres for illegals”.She is 26 years old.
She has already been subjected to five deportation attempts.
The ‘Office des Étrangers’ wants to deport her shamelessly at all costs.
A friend of hers who arrived with her in June 2021 was deported on 26/02/2022 and was held at the police station in Cotonou for three days, while her escort slept in a hotel while waiting for the Beninese authorities’ decision. The reasons for this hesitation are part of the state secrets and are not known to us.https://www.gettingthevoiceout.org/sixieme-tentative-dexpulsion-ce-26-02-2022-du-mariage-force-a-lexpulsion-une-nouvelle-semira/
She will be subject to a new attempt to expel her with an escort this Thursday 10/03/2022.She is asking for support to prevent this deportation.
Flight SN Airlines SN231 Thursday 10/03/2022 11h35 to the Ivory Coast with stopover in Cotonou where she will be disembarked with her escort.
Meeting at the airport at 9am on the bagagge reception flighte SN231 or/and on the starting gate of the flight to Abidjan to explain to the passengers the situation of this lady and to ask them to refuse that someone travel with them by force!
You can write, fax, phone, tweet to those responsible for these murderous migration policies.
Alexander De Croo Eerste minister: +32 2 501 02 11. Email: contact@premier.be
Sammy Mahdi Beleidscel en Secretariaat van de Staatssecretaris voor Asiel en Migratie, 02/488.06.06. Email: info.mahdi@mahdi.fed.be
Annelies Verlinden Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken: 02/488.05.11. Email: kabinet.verlinden@ibz.fgov.be
Monsieur Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers Bur_Presse@dofi.fgov.beT02 793 80 31 – 02 79380 30 (FR) Fax02 274 66 40
Brussels Airlines+32 2 723 23 45
SN Brussels Airlines :customer.relations@brusselsairlines.com Fax : 027233599 / 02/7238496 / 027534931Tél : 078 188889 / 027232345 /027232362
#NoBorder #StopCentresFermés #StopDeportation #BrusselsAirlines