Stop the third attempt to deport a Sri Lankan!

Stop the third attempt to deport a Sri Lankan!

Mr. P. is a young man who just turned 26 two weeks ago. He is from Sri Lanka, a country he doesn’t want to go to anymore.
“In Sri Lanka, my life is in danger. I don’t want to go back, big risks. ”
He received a ticket announcing that he will undergo his third attempt of expulsion this Monday at Zaventem airport. We could hear his fear when he said : “Please sir help me. Going to my country is big problem. Sir please help. ”
He will be expelled tomorrow morning aboard a Brussels Airlines plane to Accra in Ghana, before being deported to Sril Lanka.

His flight from Zaventem airport : Brussels Airlines SN277.
Time of take-off : 10:40
We can go to the airport to alert passengers who will be in the same plane and who can oppose this expulsion only by refusing to attach and getting up.
You must be at the airport at 9:40 am, if you can be present, thank you to communicate it on and to testify thereafter.

To say our opposition, let’s all write to Brussels Airlines !

And to

Maggie Deblock

02 528 69 00

Monsieur Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers T02 793 80 31 – 02 79380 30 (FR), Fax
02 274 66 40

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