Deportations, news from the centres
Here are some news from the situation in the centres. The number of deportations is huge, so are the refusals to be deported, hence the privilege to benefit from a second, third, or even fourth deportation attempt, under escort and with violence !
On a less negative note, it is to be noted that some detainees were released or even escaped !
– A Syrian woman detained since January 20th 2015 should be expelled (Dublin3) to Spain. She has family here and knows no one in Spain. She was in Belgium for four months. Following the bombings she lived in Syria, she is now traumatised by planes, be it inside a plane or by the planes that constantly fly over the closed centre. She is sick and traumatised.
– A Cameroonian man who is seriously ill went through his second deportation attempt to Spain. He had surgery several times here in Belgium where he has been living for several years. He still needs a lot of care. He was beaten during this second deportation attempt and is now in a very bad state! http://regularisation.canalblog.com/archives/2015/02/08/31490223.html
Four pregnant women at the 127bis closed centre
– One of them has been living in Belgium for five years. They tried to expell her for the second time : 12 police men took it out on her in her cell at the airport : blackmail, intimidation, insults, harrassment. They finally brought her back to the centre. ‘It was real torture ‘, she said.
– Another Moroccan asylum-seeker, three months pregnant, feels dizzy and bleeds. They took her to the hospital but when coming back to the centre, the centre’s doctor refused to give her the prescribed medicine because he thought she had written the prescription herself.
Double penalty
Two imprisoned men are telling us : ‘They came to pick us up in prison to bring us to the airport with no prior warning. We refused because both of us have children here’.
They tried to deport one of them two days later but it was cancelled thanks to the fast intervention by a lawyer. The second one will have a second deportation attempt with escort on February 17th. He will refuse it.
Asylum request
A man from the Ivory Coast may have huge problems in case of deportation, as an opponent to the current regime in his country. The CGRA does not believe him, he already went through two deportation attempts. His whole family fled the regime. http://www.gettingthevoiceout.org/against-the-use-of-local-administrations-by-the-immigration-office-en/
– A young Congolese woman has been detained for almost 4 months. She has been living in Belgium for 5 years and was in the process of cohabiting with her boyfriend. She had a miscarriage at the beginning of her detention in the centre. She already had to go through two deportation attempts and her third one is underway !http://www.gettingthevoiceout.org/mais-ou-est-martine-plus-de-nouvelles-depuis-48-heures/
– Another man has been at the closed centre for 4 months. He went through two deportation attempts and the third one to his ‘country of origin’ is planned for February 16th.
A few words by detainees
-‘You implement dictatorships in our countries to steal our wealth and still you are welcomed, but here we are unwanted. This can not go on like this. One day we will all kick you out !’
– ‘There is no more humanity at your place. Well done Belgium, the capital of Europe !’
-‘You go and give lessons elsewhere, but you violate human rights in your own country !’
-‘Law is NOT the same for everyone.’
-‘Did you say Freedom of movement and settlement ? It might be the case for you, but certainly NOT for us !’