Update: MH a été expulsé dans “les règles de l’art”: Fouille au commissariat de l’aéroport, mis à poil, 6 flics, attaché avec ceinture “comme Hannibal le cannibal”, accueillit par la police à Alger, prise d’empreintes et 4 heures d’interrogatoire……..puis libéré
MH, an Algerian detainee locked up in Merksplas for many months now, is facing his 8th tentative deportation to Algiers on Monday.
He got 7 himself 7 plane tickets, but never could enjoy his free ride, most likely thanks to the failure of the Office des Etrangers to get a laisser-passer from the Algerian consulate. The (so-called) social assistant in the closed center told him the Consulate would this time issue a laisser-passer some Zaventem security agents would pick up this Saturday morning.
The Algerian Consulate currently denies any laisser-passer except on rare limited cases. The re-entry agreements between Belgium and Algeria seem at a dead end.
Some Algerian citizens are nonetheless still held in closed centers since over a year in some instances !
Meanwhile, a grim turn of events is still possible, as Theo Francken recently paid official visits to Algeria to put pressure on the governement, and even ordered the arrest of many Algerian citizens living undocumented in Belgium,; so as to make examples and prove his determination.
Here’s a good example of the mean harrassment policy Francken is capable of, to artificially inflate his statistics, i.e. the deportation attemps figures : take a non-deportable person, lock him/her up for a good while in a closed center, then pretend you’re deporting him/her, even if you know you can’t do that : every time his/her Consulate denies a laisser-passer, send him/her back to prison with a nice free 2-month extension of his state accomodation (free for him/her, not for the tax payer, who will pay about 160€/day) !
Of course, you’re crushing one human being’s hope. Of course, you waste public money. But the good thing is, you keep airlines and all private other private companies involved in the detention business happy, while showing great results ! At the end of the day, is there any thing else that counts than figures in our society ?
MH has been living in Belgium since almost 30 years, he has no ties to Algeria any more, and refuses to be deported to this foreign country.
He told us once that he “preferred suicide” to deportation. Here is his testimony.
On a side note, let’s not forget the case of those 2 Algerian citizens recently deported who were severely beaten up by their escort. one of them had to be hospitalized with a broken nose.
MH’s deportation is scheduled for this Monday on the AH2063 14h flight from Zaventem to Algiers, operated by Air Algérie.
Rendez-vous at the airport this Monday at noon at the boarding desks to lay out and explain MH situation to the other passengers of the flight.
And please also make phone calls, fax, emails to :
Coordonnées du Consulat Général d’Algérie àBruxelles :
– E-mail:consulat.algerie.bruxelles@gmail.com
– Tél : +32 (0) 2 537 82 41
– Fax : +32 (0) 2 536 88 79
Air Algérie Agence Bruxelles
BoulevardAdolphe Max 103, 1000 Bruxelles
tel +32 (0) 2 218 61 63
fax+32 (0) 2 219 82 33
Info &Reservations:
+32 2 218 61 63
Desk at the airport:
+32 (0)2 753 20 28
and our ministers
Foreigners Office director
T02793 80 31 (NL – EN) – 02 79380 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 66 40
Charles Michel
Prime Minister
Tél: 02 501 02 11 Fax:02512 69 52
Jan Jambon
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal affairs
tél:02 504 85 13 Fax:02 504 85 00
Theo Francken
State Secretary for Asylum and Migration
Tél: 02 206 1421–
Didier Reynders
Téléphone : 02 501 8591 Fax: 02 5132597