12/02/2013: He was deported on the SN Airlines flight to Rome. He was handcuffed, scotchtaped and escorted by ten police officers. He was ill-treated and he was physically and morally broken when he got to Rome. He then had to take another flight to Nigeria.
A Nigerian man has been detained for 8 months in the closed centre in Merksplas. He has been living in Belgium for 3 years and feels good here. He wants to stay here close to his friends.
Unfortunately, the Foreigners Office have decided that he is undesirable and they’ll do everything possible to deport him.
He already went through two deportation attempts. During the second one he resisted so hard that they could not deport him.
He is going to suffer his third deportation attempt under escort this Monday February 11th. He is asking for our help to resist it.
Flight SN Airlines n° 3175 to Rome 07:30 a.m
Aware of the efficiency of SN Airlines in taking part to these deportations, it will be necessary to work twice as hard to make it fail.
Let’s meet at the airport on February 11th at 5:30 a.m to speak to the passengers and explain to them that they have the right to refuse to travel with a person who is brought by force on to the plane.
Fax, Tel, Mail campaign during the whole week-end to the company responsible for the flight and to the politicians responsible for these deportations:
Fax = 027233599 / 02/7238496 / 027534931
Tél : 078 188889 / 027232345 / 027232362
A la compagnie SN airlines
Brussels Airlines
zone General Aviation
Brussels Airport Building 26
1831 Diegem
Réception: 02 / 754 19 00
Nous apprenons qu’un homme enfermé depuis 8 mois au centre fermé de Merksplas va subir une troisième tentative d’expulsion vers son pays d’origine , le Nigéria, avec escale à Rome par l’entremise de votre compagnie.
Il s’agit du vol SN 3175.
Nous vous demandons expressément de refuser cette expulsion et de ne pas participer à cette violence appliquée par notre gouvernement belge pour déporter des personnes qu’il juge indésirable.
En vous remerciant,
et Copie ou autre courrier à :
Monsieur M. F. Roosemont,Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers T 02 793 80 31 (NL – EN) – 02 793 80 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 66 40 , Bur_Presse@dofi.fgov.be
Monsieur Elio Di Rupo, Premier ministre info@premier.fed.be/ Fax022173328, 025126953)
Madame Joëlle Milquet, Vice-Première ministre et Ministre de l’Intérieur :milquet@lecdh.be/ milquet@milquet.belgium.be/ Fax: 022380129,025048500,025048580)
Madame Maggie De Block, Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile, à l’Immigration et à l’intégration sociale, adjointe à la Ministre de la Justice :
Téléphone : 02 542 80 11
Fax : 02 542 80 03
E-mail info.maggiedeblock@ibz.fgov.be