Action: No to the deportation of Reda to Sudan, no to deportations in general!

Update 10/04/2019: The deportation of Reda planned this Tuesday 9 April has been postponed! But we keep fighting! Reda Dhawelbeit, a Darfouri Sudanese, is still under threat from being sent back to Karthoum where he will most probably be arrested and tortured, not to say killed. Others risk the same fate!

Engl below

Sign the pétition

and write to

Maggie Deblock

02 528 69 00

Monsieur Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers T02 793 80 31 – 02 79380 30 (FR), Fax
02 274 66 40

Charles Michel
Premier Ministre
Tél: 02 501 02 11 Fax: 02512 69 52

Didier Reynders
Téléphone : 02 501 85 91

No to the deportation of Reda to Sudan, no to deportations in general!

Tomorrow, Tuesday 9 April 2019, Reda Dhawelbeit, a Darfuri Sudanese, will be sent back to Karthoum where he will most probably be arrested and tortured, not to say killed.

Reda is 40, he left everthing and everyone; his pregnant woman, his son whom he never could hold into his arms, a work he really liked, his parents, his friends. Why? To escape a dictatorship that wanted to destroy him. He requested asylum in Belgium but it was refused. Tomorrow 9 April, after retaining him in a closed centre for more than 2 months, Belgium is planning to send him back to his country where he runs the risk to be tortured and killed. This risk is even bigger since Reda is part of the Sudanese people who were identified by the Sudanese delegation that had been invited to Belgium by Theo Francken in September 2017. Following that visit, the Sudanese security had even paid a visit to his wife to threaten her.

Two rulings by the European Court of Human Rights, from 15 January 2015 – A.A. vs. France (n o 18039/11), A.F. vs. France (n o 80086/13) – deemed that the deportation of Sudanese applicants was a violation of article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights regarding the proven risks of inhumane or degrading treatments in case of return to Sudan. The European Court of Human Rights deemed that the dismissal measures taken against Sudanese applicants were contrary to that article.

I also wish to draw your attention to the current deterioration of the security situation in Sudan, as documented by reports and articles by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch over the last months. Indeed, these organisations point the human rights abuses committed in the context of the violent repression against the population and demonstrators since December 2018. This repression caused over sixty deaths, more than a thousand arrests and around 2,000 wounded. Kidnappings and torture are widely used by the Security Services (NISS). The deported Sudanese are arrested and questioned by them when landing in Sudan; loads of testimonies confirm that the families of several deported nationals have remained without news from them since their deportation. They were arrested, disappeared, and have probably been killed by now.

We call on every action possible to prevent Reda Dhawelbeit’s deportation as well as any other deportation to Sudan where the current situation doesn’t guarantee at all the security of the people who live there. 

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